What to Expect

Saying Goodbye may take some time. We make sure to schedule ample time to allow your family to process as much as possible. We never want you to feel hurried.

Once your family and pet are ready, the doctor will explain the process step-by-step. You can choose the most comfortable location for your pet and family.

Prior to euthanasia, we will discuss what you would like to do with your pet’s remains and any special requests you have. We offer numerous services and options.

Your pet will be sedated prior to the in-home euthanasia to make sure there is no pain or anxiety. This allows for the peaceful passing of your pet. This process usually only takes moments and causes no harm.

Additional resources are available through partners for Quality of Life Evaluation, Pet Loss Grief Counseling and Memorial Art. Please let us know if you would like more information or referrals for any of these services.